Smarter Management of Your Rx Benefits

Leading organizations depend on Remedy’s data intelligence and clinical insight to help reduce their drug spend and improve the management of members’ health.

plan sponsor woman reviews medication claims data for pharmacy benefits
plan sponsor woman reviews medication claims data for pharmacy benefits
The Problem

The pharmacy landscape is complicated and often lacks transparency

Unchecked Rx prices

Pricing of prescription drugs is often inconsistent, and spending trends are accelerating at unprecedented rates, leaving employers and patients to cope with uncontrolled costs.

Opaque contracts

Vague language in PBM contracts can make it difficult for plan sponsors to interpret key terms.

Inadequate reporting

A typical PBM report shows high-level aggregate metrics that may not be either agnostic or actionable. Without an in-depth assessment of claims data, sponsors cannot evaluate opportunities at a granular level.

Lack of meaningful data analysis

Even when plan sponsors can see their claims data, they rarely have the time and means to interpret such a huge volume of complex information.

Fraud, waste and abuse

Low visibility into utilization patterns of prescription drugs can lead to mismanagement and, potentially, inappropriate usage.

Conflicts of interest

The distribution of medications in America from manufacturers to retail has many self-interested parties. Sponsors need a team whose only interest is to advocate on their behalf.


Unchecked Rx prices

Pricing of prescription drugs is often inconsistent, and spending trends are accelerating at unprecedented rates, leaving employers and patients to cope with uncontrolled costs.


Lack of meaningful data analysis

Even when plan sponsors can see their claims data, they rarely have the time and means to interpret such a huge volume of complex information.


Opaque contracts

Vague language in PBM contracts can make it difficult for plan sponsors to interpret key terms.


Fraud, waste and abuse

Low visibility into utilization patterns of prescription drugs can lead to mismanagement and, potentially, inappropriate usage.


Inadequate reporting

A typical PBM report shows high-level aggregate metrics that may not be either agnostic or actionable. Without an in-depth assessment of claims data, sponsors cannot evaluate opportunities at a granular level.


Conflicts of interest

The distribution of medications in America from manufacturers to retail has many self-interested parties. Sponsors need a team whose only interest is to advocate on their behalf.

plan sponsor man reviews data insights for management of prescription benefits

A new standard for the management of prescription benefits

Get unbiased industry recommendations backed by agnostic data insights.

plan sponsor man reviews data insights for management of prescription benefits

Remedy’s Reach


Claims Analyzed Each Month


Saved Annually


Members Under Service

Our Product


Remedy’s state-of-the-art technology provides unrivaled analytics. By processing data on a granular level, PharmaLogic® identifies both financial inefficiencies and clinical opportunities in your pharmacy benefits. With frequent monitoring throughout the year of drug utilization, claims adjudication and adherence to contract terms, PharmaLogic® is the data-driven blueprint for smarter management.

Our Solutions

Full-service Rx consulting

Payers get next-level support with Remedy’s data intelligence and industry guidance.

Our Mission

To make prescription drugs more affordable and accessible for payers and patients for optimal health

Remedy's Clients

Find out what Remedy can do for your Rx plan